Destiny's Child "This Christmas"

Beyonce Part:
Hang all the misaltoes, i'm gonna get to know ya betta (to know ya betta)...
this christmas,and as we trim the tree, how much fun it's gonna be together...this christmas.
Bridge:The Fireside is blazing bright,and well be caroling threw the night
Chorus:And this Christmas,will be,a very special christmas,for me yeahhh

Kelly Part:
Presents and cards are here,my world is feeled with cheer and you...
This christmas,and as i look around,your eye are shining too,yes they do(yes they do),this Christmas
dada da da dada dada da shake a hand shake a hand darling,
dada da dada da da dada da da shake a hand shake a hand shake a hand darling
,dada da dada da dada da da shake a hand shake a hand darling

Michelle Part:
The fireside is blazing bright,well be caroling threw the night,and this christmas(
and this christmas)will be(will be)a very special christmas (very special cristmas) for meeee (For me Yeah)
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